File Management System / Drawing Management System

An efficient document management software for your facility to manage files, drawings, and related documents, reducing the hassles of storing physical files.

eFACiLiTY® File & Drawing Management System is a digital file management tool that allows organizations to easily store, track, and manage information of facility/building systems like floor plans, building plans, wiring diagrams, network diagrams, and equipment-related drawings, documents, pictures, manuals, software, etc. with configurable user access restrictions securely.

File/Drawing Management System – Key Features

  • Add and maintain facility/equipment wise drawings and documents
  • Configure and store files/documents of various file types like DWG, BMP, JPG, PDF, DOCX, XLSX, etc., as links/attachments
  • Configurable user access restrictions to upload/view/download files
  • Manage and maintain drawings and documents linking to each entity in the asset tree
  • Advanced search options based on facility, equipment, level, manufacturer, file type, etc.
  • View uploaded files in asset equipment register and also using filter option based on location, equipment, file name, authorized by, registered date, file size, etc.

Empowering Organizations Across Industries

Government Organizations
Corporate Houses
Airports, Seaports & Transits
Commercial Real Estate

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Our interactive PPT with detailed information on our product

The presentation details the key features of various modules and provides an overview of our product

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In this interactive demo session, you will get a guided and complete overview of all the features and functionalities of eFACiLiTY®

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